
Showing posts from November, 2008

Its Autumn...

Its Autumn… Early in the morning when I woke up …looked out of the window form the kitchen… I see a sheet of floating snow flakes gently swirling in the air and falling on the window sill… The whole backyard covered with drifting snow and the garden plants peeping here and there from the snow capped leaves Rosebuds bending with the weight of the light snow flakes and dripping with the melting snow The terrace garden swaying with the wind and the floating snow giving it an animation of twirling in the snow and playing with it The bend of road leading to the bridge covered with snow troubling the passers by…the castle atop the hill standing strong and high. My heart fluttered like a butterfly to just go out and play in the snow..but the cold kept me away But it brought a smile to my lips and made my day:-) Hoping and wishing that the smile lasts forever:-)....


This is my FIRST Blog and i never thought i would start with such a topic. But i think its worth a sit back and Enjoy:-)... Life is such a wonderful teacher that teaches us a whole variety of lessons although with a complete mix of emotions. No matter how hard we try there is always a perfect timing where all things fall in place just like the various pieces of a puzzle. Today there was a simple but mysterious experience which I came across. It so happened that I had to make a few payments that was important and to be closed at the earliest. Normally I manage my finance by allocating them appropriately before hand along with some additional reserve.But today I had exactly the amount that was required for the payment and no additional reserve. I kept on thinking about how to manage in case any unexpected expense comes before me. A most unexplainable incident happened exactly at this moment of my though...