Rain in Summer...
In the sweltering summer heat of april, trees filled with flowers of different colors of yellow, lavender, pink and red, trees laden with mangoes, new leaves paving their way from the barren branches with a spray of green on the trees. Today, we were sitting at our desk; we saw that there was a change in weather, maybe nature’s call to cool down the heat. A strong gush of wind was blowing the trees and bushes in the campus left and right. My first instinct was to go for a walk in the wind and have a nice hot mocha. Me and my colleagues went out to enjoy the wind. I was exalted by the fresh air and the wind when it blew across my face. Slowly there was a spray of rain mixed with rain was pushing the trees and branches in the direction of the wind. We could hear the strong winds whistling among the leaves. We stepped out towards the food court to get our coffee. The moment we stepped out it started raining in torrents. My friends sp...