Kayak for sunset and amazing rendevouz with bioluminescense at Nisqually!!

What an evening it turned out to be this weekend..A cloudy start followed by a hopeful ray of sunshine leading to a welcome through a beautiful rainbow as we entered Nisqually. This time i wanted to share a unique kind of experience that i had. I was looking for something different from normal routine activities to do this summer. I came across a bioluminescence tour at Kayak Nisqually in WA. I found it interesting and wanted to try this experience at the Luhr Beach, Nisqually delta area. It was an hour's drive from my place and so i gathered a few other like minded friends who were as adventurous or crazy like me:). Before i get started , let me share a little tip on what is this Bioluminescence ?? Wikipedia definition: Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism. It is a form ...