Rendezvous with Jaipur - Season 2 😊!!
What an amazing trip!! Last weekend I happened to go on one of my short vacations to explore more of Incredible India. Trying to make this blog bit concise 😊. It was a 3 day trip to Jaipur. My friend and myself were hiking buddies and part of such trips in Seattle as well, so it was better organized and planned for this one too. Day 1 : It was 26 th Jul 2019, Friday when I started my journey. I had been wanting to meet my team in Jaipur DC and wanted to know them better. My flight was at 9 AM and I reached Jaipur by 11.15 am. The timing of my travel seems not so perfect yet the best weather that I could possibly enjoy. Just a couple of days prior it has been raining heavily bring relief to th...