This is my FIRST Blog and i never thought i would start with such a topic. But i think its worth a read..so sit back and Enjoy:-)...

Life is such a wonderful teacher that teaches us a whole variety of lessons although with a complete mix of emotions. No matter how hard we try there is always a perfect timing where all things fall in place just like the various pieces of a puzzle.

Today there was a simple but mysterious experience which I came across. It so happened that I had to make a few payments that was important and to be closed at the earliest. Normally I manage my finance by allocating them appropriately before hand along with some additional reserve.But today I had exactly the amount that was required for the payment and no additional reserve. I kept on thinking about how to manage in case any unexpected expense comes before me.

A most unexplainable incident happened exactly at this moment of my thought process. Something kept on pricking me in my pocket. I ignored it once twice..then it became so bad that I checked my pockets. I found that there was a 20CHF note that was in the pocket which was bothering me. I din know what to say or think….this was exactly what I was looking for. Although the amount was small..it was more than sufficient for my current needs.

I was completely amazed at the turn of events. I went out finished my payments..completed all formalities. But the feeling that I can manage any additional expense and self sufficiency was all that was needed at that moment.

At that moment I felt there is really some unexplainable power that knows exactly what we want and presents it before us at the right moment.

No matter how many hardships we may have to face, everything happens for good. I think the quote "SEEK and YOU SHALL FIND" is the most appropriate saying that comes to my mind.

Today’s experience was one of simplest but made quite an impact for me.


godie B said…

I have to agree with you that life is a wonderful teacher. It has its own ways of teaching. Some - we may never understand. But it is for sure that you will learn something everyday.

It is a good start. Keep up the good work.

godie B said…
I wish I too had a pocket that pricked me and gave me 20$ bill everytime I needed money ;-)
Unknown said…
I had an experience which is a perfect example of life is wonderful teacher. It was first my first trip to Italy, Milan. With no choice, I had to book a big fully furnished apartment studio (with kitchen). It was Saturday very cold night, entered the posh apartment after a long day’s flight. The apartment looked very big for one person. Hot shower was the immediate need of the hour. I went to checkout the bathroom first, it was one of biggest bathroom, with beautiful tiles, neat and shining, with very ultramodern electronic shower room. The shower room had all sorts of knobs to control the water pressure, hotness, coldness, control water outlets for back massage etc etc. I immediately wanted to take hot bath, but after numerous tries no hot water was coming, it was freezing cold water, I tried all sorts of tricks, turning every different knobs, tried every combination for about an hour, I was aching for hot water to gush out, but nothing happened, just cold cold water. Finally I pulled out the instruction manuals for the shower room and followed the instructions as it is, but water was still cold.
Went back to living room drenched from cold shower, switched on the tv, it was all Italian, more frustration. I was shivering from cold, I needed hot water. Again went back into bathroom, checked the taps of hand wash basin, here the hot water was coming. Now I need some bucket to collect the hot water. But remember it is Europe, you won't find plastic buckets/jugs like we have in India. But I found one new looking big steel dustbin, it was brand new and clean, with black plastic cover to collect garbage. I took the steel dustbin, removed the plastic cover. It was perfect to be used as Bucket. Now I had to find a way to collect hot water from hand wash tap to the bucket (Don't want to call it dustbin, it is my bucket now).

Searched around the apartment for any pipes, found none. But I found a vacuum cleaner with nice looking pipe, I separated the pipe from the vacuum cleaner. Now connected the pipe to hot water tap, adjusted the water temperature to required degree and bingo, I was able to collect the hot water into my bucket. I found one nice looking big tumbler, which I used as a jug and thus enjoyed the much need hot water bath.

Technology is made to satisfy the needs of humankind, but when it fails at the time when you need the most, you hands are tied. Luckily for me, the old ways was most trusted and satisfying.
Fatima said…
Hey I dunno who u r or where ur frm u belong..what I do know is writing n sharing has no boundaries..ur free..so when I came across ur blog I felt like reading it and found out it's wonderful ...esp this post...

Your indeed rite we learn a lot of things always many a times we don't evn notice..yep life is truly a wonderful teacher coz watevr it teaches us; it remains etched in our mind our memory forevr..!!..

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