Changing Seasons...

Its been quite some time since I wrote something. The past few weeks have been quite an interesting experience.Some sweet, bitter experiences which makes life more admirable…atleast in my opinion.

There were some new places, new friends, new events but still the same old me in all these different frames:-).

The new year started with shower of snow making the environment quite cold but at the same time beautiful, some new acquaintances, pleasant surprises. I was feeling completely at home to be back in Switzerland…just like the phrase “HOME AWAY FROM HOME”.

I had the opportunity to visit Paris/PARI as the French call it during christmas. It’s a beautiful city with its own uniqueness. However I enjoyed only a few of those locales, but really worth the visit.

Just as the weather was playing see-saw b/w cold and bright sunshine in the days to come, I came across some interesting situations. Change seems inevitable as time passes by, be it with weather, people, friends....

I could see the melting snow, the fog swirling over the river, new leaf nodes popping their heads out of the bare trees, a sheath of green covering the trees along the riverside walk..making me smile and relish the work of nature…which also inspires me to change for the better ….Life is Beautiful….so live life KINGSIZE:-)!

Hoping for a bright , happy, joyful New Year with a ray of hope ripping apart the clouds of the past:-)!


Sookie said…
Aww...looks like spring is in the air! Good write-up, but I was expecting an essay on Paris at least! Kidding. Glad you are back in Swiss and enjoying changing seasons...


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