What is special about today?

Today morning when I woke up there was a question raised about what was so special today. I happened to wake up early to see the pre sunrise horizon with the stars still shining and when the sheaths of dark night are uncovered to shed some light.
It looked quite mesmerizing and took some cool pictures while sipping a hot cup of tea. It always fills me with so much energy when I relish the early morning air.

The sun was shining in full glory as I rode the bus to work. I could see the bright red and pink hues of color of the fall colors adorning mother nature like a bride. Along the way I also could see the peak of my favourite Mt. Rainier still snow covered but beautiful in the morning light and feel like giving a bear hug to it.

It’s my habit of enjoying the ride to Seattle every day, the scenery looks different every day. Today as we crossed the floating bridge the water was like a sheet of silk so smooth and shining enhancing the effect.  I feel the water is always an indicator of how the weather for rest of the day is going to be.

I observed many things today. I could see a lone guitarist strumming his guitar alone in the morning ..the houses with their decks extending to edge of the lake..i saw people setting their coffee tables near the ledge .. I could see the pigeons playing around along the freeway. I saw three pigeons playing and was following their activity for few minutes. felt like the Banala sistersJ…two of them crossed over and moved forward. One of them stayed back on one corner..just like me…but then it flew over and joined rest of them in time so that they could all be together. This was a clear indicator for me that its time to go back home soon.

On the whole I feel every day is special and we should make the best use of what we have and take it forward to live every moment. Although on the work front it might get a bit boring its important that we keep learning for there is always something new to learnJ


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