“An equal world is an enabled world.”

                        As I was thinking about writing this blog meant for International Women's day, it turned out to be MahaShivarathri and many a thoughts came around this concept.

                       During Samudramanthan (Churning of the Ocean) to retrieve the unfathomable treasures to the world, the first thing to be extracted was Kalakuta( Vicious poison) which no one could ever survive against. Lord Shiva put himself forward and drank the poison to save the world from destruction. It still had the power to even affect the trimurthi’s. At that moment Shiva’s wife Parvathi helped in containing the poison at the throat of Shiva so it could’nt move further and henceforth saving the world with equal contribution.

                     This is a perfect example of Yin and Yang, where even though it’s seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent and act as One united entity.
Even eons ago we have this concept of Equal world is an enabled world. However, it was lost somewhere in between as the vices and ignorance among people took over and brought this inequality among Male and female rights and responsibilities.

                     There were times when witch hunting, Sati , Child marriage were practiced to eliminate members with a futuristic and broad minded though process to retain male domination in the society.

All these myths are broken and now the society believes in equality of status, responsibility, values.

                     As the life style, changes and people are well educated we are stepping into a new era of a better world.

                    In the current world the mindset of people is more open and broad minded. Spouses understand each other and respect the choices each of them make, they believe in sharing responsibilities and support each other in fulfilling the dreams of the partner. This does not mean it’s always a giveaway. It helps in building healthy work life balance and the stress involved in this competitive world seems so small when we work together as a team.

                    What does an Equal world mean…a world where all are considered to have same level of competency, capability, ownership, learnability, flexibility. There is no disparity of any sort based on gender. Practically, as Women we have more responsibilities there is always a pullback in women to be more aggressive/ ambitious. We cannot be self-centered to just think about our growth. We need to find the perfect balance between what we aim to achieve and what is possible to achieve in reality.

                    As women, we are equally capable like any other to reach the zeniths in the corporate world given an opportunity. We should live in the moment and try to give our 100% to whatever task we might take up, however trivial it might seem. An equal world is not applicable in the corporate world, it is applicable in every turn of life.

                      It takes a lot for people to have a broad mindset and consider both men and women as equal and appreciate it too. When we are surrounded with such people it enhances the environment to be more cheerful and filled with positive energy and confidence. After all, forces of nature are made to complement each other and live in perfect balance.

                     An equal world enables us to have an enhanced quality of life. Just imagine a secret potion that has a mix of patience, courage, knowledge, strength of mind and body, learning, multitask, forethought and look beyond and some ambition to try something new and make your presence meaningful..that’s what we are as women and its is just the right thing to be treated with equality. 

                   As we respect each other with no predefined notions, the world is much more enabled and stronger with exploded intellect and human power.

Although gender equality is still work in progress in the corporate world, we have progressed from being a small fledgling to a bird ready for its first flight.

An equal world is indeed an enabled world!!

                                                                                                                                                      - Nirmala


Sai Devotee said…
Awesome Nimmi...I thoroughly loved it... wonderful writing!! Keep writing..!!

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