
Showing posts from February, 2020

“An equal world is an enabled world.”

                        As I was thinking about writing this blog meant for International Women's day, it turned out to be MahaShivarathri and many a thoughts came around this concept.                        During Samudramanthan (Churning of the Ocean) to retrieve the unfathomable treasures to the world, the first thing to be extracted was Kalakuta( Vicious poison) which no one could ever survive against. Lord Shiva put himself forward and drank the poison to save the world from destruction. It still had the power to even affect the trimurthi’s. At that moment Shiva’s wife Parvathi helped in containing the poison at the throat of Shiva so it could’nt move further and henceforth saving the world with equal contribution.                      This is a perfect example of Yin and Yang, where even though it’s seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent and act as One united entity. Even eons ago we have this c